Mobile Counseling Services

Kurt Warner, LMSW

February 2021 Counselor Highlight

February 26, 2021

Meet Kurt Warner, LMSW! Kurt works with clients within the Central New York area!


What made you decide to enter into this profession?

Kurt pursued social work after a period of enlightenment. He decided that the only thing that gave him meaning was to use every power he had to make the lives of others better.


What part of being a counselor do you most enjoy?

Kurt most enjoys watching the changes occur. He loves seeing the amelioration of someone’s existence. “We start at point A and arrive at point B and it takes strength and resolve, and oftentimes there is an amazing metamorphosis and I love it.”


Why do you like working with Cornerstone Mobile Counseling?

Kurt loves the flexibility. He loves the fact that Cornerstone supports him and enables him to find what way works best for him. He finds it liberating.


What is the biggest difference between working with Cornerstone versus your previous employment?

“There are so many differences… I’d say the biggest is the freedom.”


What are some reasons why you enjoy going to clients’ homes/public places and offering your services in those types of environments?

“First, I enjoy meeting the client – literally – where the client is at.  Therapy is hard.  It takes great will and effort from the client.  We are removing barriers by meeting the person where they are at literally – and psychosocially.  Second, it enables us to have a truly accurate picture of the client.  It allows us to see them as they are and this full picture helps us to help them.”

What is something you personally do to take care of your own mental health?

Kurt has learned that too much stress is like pouring gasoline on the fires of poor mental health.  He always takes the time to take in his surroundings and not lose touch with the other things he loves.


If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

“I have an Italian family.  So, Italy.  But also – I am an avid reader and writer.  I have been on road trips to see author’s homes in every state on the east side of the Mississippi.  I would like to go see all the authors I have listed on the west side of the Mississippi.”


What is your favorite meal or snack?

“My Mama’s lasagna.  Hands down.”


What is your favorite word or catchphrase?

“I am a writer and I love all words… I could not just say one.  As for catchphrase…
the richest persons are whose treasures are the cheapest.  (This is a Thoreau paraphrase)”


Would you rather explore space or the bottom of the ocean?

“Space… the bottom of the ocean scares me to death.”

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